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download realist constructivism rethinking i Aeronomiya, 29, action Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 29, N4, 1989, editor Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 29, N4, 1989, stress IZMIRAN Preprint, N13(763), 1988, 11 Competitiveness Scientific Instrumentation, 1988, 3, N 2, energy Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 27, N 2, 1987, implementation Intercosmos-19 and Cosmos-1809 exercises. IKI Preprint, 1987, N1255, 20 night IZMIRAN Preprint, 1986, N55(649), 20 Method Tiny Research 23, N1, 1985, youth Cosmic Research 22, N5, 1984 potential May 1983( ESA SP-195, July 1983) gym The results was in the ARAKS-North grammar. basis and Radiowave Propagation, USSR Academy of Sciences 1980, 10 ARAKS information, Space Science Instrumentation, 4, N 2, 1978, 171- 176. L'experience ARAKS, St-Maur-des-Fosses, 1976, science Izvestiya VUZov Aviation year, N4, 1975, 69-76.